

The OTS community is a group of tech-enthusiast, that like to learn and teach coding in a friendly environment.

Tired of learning by yourself? We offer free local meetups, where learners with different experience levels can join, exchange knowledge, coach and motivate each other.

Our values


Encouraging people to coach, whatever their skill or experience level, lets them see how rewarding and valuable teaching others is.

Hands-on learning

We believe the best way to learn is by doing it hands-on, and feel that visible progress is the best motivation to continue learning.

Welcoming learning environment

We aim to provide a safe learning environment in which no one feels shy asking any question.


All discussions, training materials, and blueprints are openly accessible through our website


OTS is an open, transparent movement with which we want to encourage others to create similar or related projects in their own cities.

Not for Profit

Coaches and team members donate their personal time for the greater good of the community and the learners.

Read more about our community values

Code of Conduct

The main goal of all OpenTechSchool events and online meetups is to provide a friendly and welcoming learning environment and to be inclusive to the largest number of participants, with the most varied and diverse backgrounds possible.

Before joining our local events or participating in our online communities please make sure you understand and agree to our Code of Conduct. All learners, coaches, organizers and volunteers are required to conform to the Code of Conduct.

Read our Code of Conduct

Get involved


If you are looking to learn coding yourself, you probably want to find out more about the community and when the next meetup takes place near you.

Find a chapter near you


If you can donate some of your time and knowledge to support your local chapter and you love to teach or coach other learners this job is for you.

Read the coach guide


If you like to support the community in your city and love to organize events or meetups. We always need passionate organizers as part of the community.

Read the organizers guide


If you got started with programming and would like to strengthen your skills or you are just curious what code is all about, the OpenTechSchool events are the best way to meet learners of all genders and experience levels.

OpenTechSchool also acts as a lab to experiement with new and interesting tech learning formats and projects.

The most common event formats currently are:


With a strong focus on friendly and welcoming environment, these self-learning, peer-driven workshops try to get people together that want to get into or better at coding.


Everyone who likes to learn coding.


While the introduction workshops often take place on weekends, many smaller workshops also happen during the week.


Maybe you don’t know how to get started with coding, got stuck in a tutorial or need help with your project. The co-learning meetup is here for you.


Everyone who likes to learn or teach coding and wants to meet other learners, or just likes to chat about tech.


Meeting weekly or bi-weekly on a weekday evening, these groups always have coaches there to help you, while each one just continues on their project in a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere.

Find a community near your

Get in touch

  • At our events

    The best way to get in touch with the community is at our events. Just come by, feel the vibe and speak to one of the organizers. Nice to meet you!

    Check out upcoming events

  • Online chat

    We are using Slack to connect and share information beyond the events. Say hi in the #general channel or find the one for your city.

    Join our Slack

  • Email

    Contact us directly if you have a general question and the above options are not working for you. We love to hear from you, but remember we are all volunteers and might need some time to reply.

    Send an email